melanie wand    garden design
A French Country Garden in North London

Brief : To transform an unwieldy back garden  into an inviting area that would encompass a courtyard, a lawn
and herbaceous boarders with an enclosed private space for entertaining without annoying the neighbours!

Client Wish List:- to  emulate a French country garden that would have an air of rustic informality within a  structured design.

Solution::  A brick and rustic paving design for the side return and courtyard with a bespoke central pergola looking out over a lawn surrounded by curvaceous borders. New French style trellis replaced the fencing throughout. I set an arbor to enclose the lawn to provide an invitation into the secluded rear of the garden. Leaving the trees at the rear for privacy but to enhance them I designed a circular bench around one tree and imposed raised beds around the whole area to further augment the cloistered feel.

Planting: Roses, peonies, salvias grounded with evergreen shrubs created the perfect ambience a la francaise!
m: 077 100 37002  e:
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